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Jury Swiss Youth Music Competition Winterthur

Winterthur Winterthur, Switzerland

Christoph Croisé is a jury member in the categories of contemporary music and chamber music at the Swiss Youth Music Competition.

Piano quartet at the concert series 1001 Harmonies

Salle Faller, La Chaux-de-Fonds , Schweiz

As part of the 1001 Harmonies concert series, Christoph Croisé plays Brahms' piano quartet and other works together with Rachel Kolly d'Alba, Darryl Bachmann and Francisco Leal.

Piano quartet at the concert series 1001 Harmonies

Temple du Bas, Neuchâtel , Schweiz

As part of the 1001 Harmonies concert series, Christoph Croisé plays Brahms' piano quartet and other works together with Rachel Kolly d'Alba, Darryl Bachmann and Francisco Leal.

Classic Dinner Uri

Zum Schwarzen Uristier Uri, Schweiz

Together with Cyprien Semayne, Lora Markova and Juan José Peña Aguirre, Christoph Croisé will play a quartet concert with works by Schubert, Tchaikovsky and Croisé as part of the Classic Dinner at the Uristier Altdorf.

String Sextet Niederlenzer Musiktage

Ref. Kirche, Niederlenz , Schweiz

Christoph Croisé plays the string sextets by Brahms and Raff as part of the Niederlenzer Musiktage.

CD recording Boswil

Alte Kirche Boswil Boswil, Schweiz

Christoph Croisé records the piano quartets by A. Dvorak together with Andrey Baranov, Darryl Bachmann and Christian Chamorel on CD.

Recital Concert Series Marina Korendfeld

Gartensaal der Villa Boveri, Baden , Schweiz

Christoph Croisé plays a recital with the sonatas by Brahms (No. 2) and Strauss and the Fantasie by U. J. Flury together with the pianist Oxana Shevchenko.

Offenbach Cello Concerto

Kultur und Kongresshaus Aarau , Schweiz

Christoph Croisé plays the "Concerto militaire" by J. Offenbach as a soloist with the Orchesterverein Aarau under the direction of C. Spagnuolo.

Trio Concert Aux Losanges

«Aux Losanges», Tschiertschen , Schweiz

Christoph Croisé will perform Rachmaninoff's Trio No. 1 and Dvoraks' "Dumky" Trio together with Andrey Baranov (violin) and Alexander Panfilov (piano).

Absolute Classics Concert Tour Scotland


Christoph Croisé performs three concerts together with Oxana Shevchenko as part of the Absolute Classics concert series in Dumfries/Scotland. The program includes sonatas by Strauss and Brahms.

Prokofiev Sinfonia Concertante

KKThun, Schadausaal, Thun , Schweiz

Christoph Croisé will perform Prokofiev's "Sinfonie Concertante" together with the Thun City Orchestra under the baton of Laurent Gendre.

Prokofiev Sinfonia Concertante

KKThun, Schadausaal, Thun , Schweiz

Christoph Croisé will perform Prokofiev's "Sinfonie Concertante" together with the Thun City Orchestra under the baton of Laurent Gendre.

Recital Richard-Strauss-Tage Garmisch

Kongresshaus, Konzertsaal Richard Strauss Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

Christoph Croisé will perform a recital with works by J. Raff, R. Strauss, G. Fauré and J. Brahms together with Oxana Shevchenko at the piano. The concert is part of the Richard-Strauss-Tage Garmisch-Partenkirchen.