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Brütelgut Schafisheim , Schweiz

J. Brahms: Sonata No. 1, e-minor, S. Prokofiev: Sonata for Cello and Piano, D. Popper: Hungarian Rhapsody, P. I. Tchaikovsky: Pezzo Capriccioso, Piano: Alexander Panfilov

European Youth Music Festival Passau

Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio , Italien

J. Brahms: Sonata No. 1, e-minor, S. Prokofiev: Sonata for Cello and Piano, D. Popper: Hungarian Rhapsody, P. I. Tchaikovsky: Pezzo Capriccioso, Piano: Oxana Shevchenko

Corporate Concert

Joseph-Joachim-Konzertsaal, UdK, Berlin , Deutschland

S. Prokofiev: Sonata

Chamber Music

Kirche Ammerswil , Schweiz

Trio Concert, Program: tba

Concert at Castle Hahnberg

Schloss Hahnberg , Schweiz

D. Shostakovich, Sonata d-minor Op. 40, F. Chopin, Sonata for Cello and Piano, A. Ginastera, Pampeana No. 2


Alte Spinnerei Windisch , Schweiz

Alexander Panfilov, Piano

CD Presentation

Espace Fusterie Genf , Schweiz

Oxana Shevchenko, Piano

CD Presentation

Cret-Berard , Schweiz

Recital, Program TBA, Oxana Shevchenko Piano

CD Presentation

Kultur und Kongresshaus Aarau , Schweiz

"Visions", Oxana Shevchenko, Piano

Festival de musique de Sully et du Loiret

Sully-sur-Loire , Frankreich

Recital, J. Brahms: Sonata No. 1, e-minor, S. Prokofiev: Sonata for Cello and Piano, C-Major, P. I. Tchaikovsky: Pezzo Capriccioso, D. Popper: Dance of the Elves, Piano: Lorenzo Soulès

Chamber Music

"Galerie montARTphon" Schruns , Österreich

R. Strauss: Cappriccio, A. Borodin: String Sextet (Fragment), J. Brahms: String Sextet op.18

Chamber Music

Theater Meggenhofen , Österreich

R. Strauss: Cappriccio, A. Borodin: String Sextet (Fragment), J. Brahms: String Sextet op.18

Concert at Castle Hahnberg

Schloss Hahnberg , Schweiz

S. Prokofiev: Sonata for Cello and Piano, C-Major, R. Shchedrin: Quadrille from the opera "Not Love Alone", C. Debussy: Sonata for Cello and Piano, d-minor, F. Chopin: Polonaise Brillante, S. Tsintsadze: Sachidao, N. Paganini: Variations on a Theme of Rossini


Piano Salon Christophori/Berlin , Deutschland

S. Prokofiev: Sonata for Cello and Piano, C-Major, R. Shchedrin: Quadrille from the opera "Not Love Alone", C. Debussy: Sonata for Cello and Piano, d-minor, F. Chopin: Polonaise Brillante, S. Tsintsadze: Sachidao, Oxana Shevchenko, Piano

Wissembourg Festival

Wissembourg, La Nef , Frankreich

Bach Suite No. 1, Cassado Suite, Works with Organ with Hubert Wendel

Konzertreihe Marina Korendfeld

Gartensaal Villa Boveri, Baden , Schweiz

Recital, S. Prokofiev: Sonata for Cello and Piano, C-Major, R. Shchedrin: Quadrille from the opera "Not Love Alone", C. Debussy: Sonata for Cello and Piano, d-minor, F. Chopin: Polonaise Brillante, S. Tsintsadze: Sachidao, N. Paganini: Variations on a Theme of Rossini

Lucerne Festival

Lukaskirche Luzern , Schweiz

Debut Recital, S. Prokofiev: Sonata for Cello and Piano, C-Major, R. Shchedrin: Quadrille from the opera "Not Love Alone", C. Debussy: Sonata for Cello and Piano, d-minor, F. Chopin: Polonaise Brillante, S. Tsintsatze: Sachidao, N. Paganini: Variations on a Theme of Rossini, Piano: Oxana Shevchenko


DrahtzaunFabrik Berlin , Deutschland

S. Prokofiev: Sonata for Cello and Piano, C-Major, R. Shchedrin: Quadrille from the opera "Not Love Alone", C. Debussy: Sonata for Cello and Piano, d-minor, F. Chopin: Polonaise Brillante, S. Tsintsatze: Sachidao, N. Paganini: Variations on a Theme of Rossini, Piano: A. Panfilov

Hochuli Konzert AG

Tonhalle Zürich, Kleiner Saal , Schweiz

Recital, Oxana Shevchenko, Piano

Lange Nacht der Musik

Lindau , Deutschland

with the Amar Quartet and Shaun Choo, Piano, Dvorak: Piano Quintet, Quartet


Ref. Kirche Reinach , Schweiz

L. Boccherini: Concerto No. 6, D-Major, Orchestra "I suonatori stravaganti", Conductor: E. Fischer


Stadtkirche Bremgarten , Schweiz

L. Boccherini: Concerto No. 6, D-Major, Orchestra "I suonatori stravaganti", Conductor: E. Fischer

Schumann Cello Concerto

"les Sommets du Classique-International Crans-Montana Festival", Festival Orchestra, Conductor: Sébastien Bagnoud

Wissembourg Festival

Wissembourg, La Nef , Frankreich

Recital, J. Brahms: Sonata No. 1, S. Prokofiev: Sonata, Piano: N. Mndoyants

New Years Concert

Theater Uri, Urner Saal , Schweiz

J. Haydn: Cello Concerto C-Major, C. Saint-Saens: Swan, Collegium Musicum Basel, Conductor: Kevin Griffiths

New Year Music Festival Gstaad

Grand Hotel Park Gstaad, Salon Montgomery , Schweiz

J. Brahms: Sonata e-minor, S. Prokofiev: Sonata C-Major, P. I. Tchaikovsky: Pezzo Capriccioso, D. Popper: Dance of the Elves, Piano: Alexander Panfilov


Schloss Elmau , Deutschland



Lenzburg , Schweiz

Franck: Sonata, Schubert: Sonata "Arpeggione", Bartok: Rhapsody, Paganini: Rossini-Variations

Arosa Kultur

Evangelische Kirche Arosa , Schweiz

S. Rachmaninov Sonata, with O. Schnyder, Piano, in cooperation with the Orpheum Foundation

Les regards sur Messiaen

Eglise St Francois, Lausanne , Schweiz

Messiaen - Quatuor pour la fin du temps, Gozzi - Les regards sur Messiaen

Podium der Jungen

NDR Studio, Hamburg , Deutschland

Brahms Sonata e-minor, Prokofiev Sonata, Tchaikovsky Pezzo Capriccioso, Piano: Lorenzo Soules

Freunde der Lenzburg

Schloss Lenzburg , Schweiz

Recital, B. Britten Sonata, S. Rachmaninov Sonata, P. I. Tchaikovski: Pezzo Capriccioso

Gala Concert

Harbin New Concert Hall , China

Schumann Cello Concerto, Christoph Croisé, Violoncello, Jindong Cai, Conductor, Harbin Symphony Orchestra

Sommerkonzerte Falera

Romanische Kirche St. Remigius, Falera , Schweiz

Beethoven Septet, Ravel Duo with Anna Brunner

Gala Concert

Teatro Ocampo Morelia , Mexiko

Schumann Cello Concerto, Christoph Croisé, Violoncello, Miguel Angel Garcia Ramirez, Conductor, Orquesta Sinfonica de Michoacan